Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben! Jesus Christus

Bibliografien – Serien in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

Serien in alphabetischer Reihenfolge


Alastor Cluster

1973         Trullion: Alastor 2262

1975         Marune: Alastor 933

1978         Wyst: Alastor 1716


Big Planet

1952/57    Big Planet

1975         The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River, Lune XXIII, South, Big Planet


Cadwal Chronicles

1987         Araminta Station

1991         Ecce and Old Earth

1992         Throy


Demon Princes

1963/64    The Star King

1964         The Killing Machine

1966/67    The Palace of Love

1979         The Face

1981         The Book of Dreams



1971         The Anome

1972         The Brave Free

1973         The Asutra


The Dying Earth

1950         Mazirian the Magician

Mazirian the Magician

Turjan of Miir


Liane the Wayfarer

Ulan Dhor Ends a Dream

Guyal of Sfere

1966         Cugel the Clever

12 1965 The Overworld

02 1966 The Mountains of Magnatz

04 1966 The Sorcerer Pharesm

06 1966 The Pilgrims

07 1966 The Cave in the Forest

07 1966 The Manse of Iucounu

?? 1966 Cil

1983         Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight

10 1974 The Seventeen Virgins

                        1977 05 The Bagful of Dreams

und weitere nicht einzeln veröffentlichte Geschichten

1984         Rhialto the Marvellous

08 1984 Fader’s Waft

08 1984 The Murthe

03 1973 Morreion


Jean Parlier

02 1952    Abercrombie Station

08 1952    Cholwell’s Chickens


Joe Bain

1966         The Fox Valley Murders

1967         The Pleasant Grove Murders



1998         Ports of Call

2004         Lurulu



1983         Suldrun’s Garden

1985         The Green Pearl

1987         Madouc


Magnus Ridolph (1985 The Complete Magnus Ridolph)

07 1948    Hard-Luck Diggins

09 1948    Sanatoris Short-Cut

11 1948    The Unspeakable McInch

01 1949    The Sub-Standard Sardines

03 1949    The Howling Bounders

11 1949    The King of Thieves

07 1950    The Spa of the Stars

09 1950    To B or Not to C or to D

10 1952    The Kokod Warriors

02 1958    Coup de Grace


Miro Hetzel (1980 Galactic Effectuator)

11 1975    The Dogtown Tourist Agency

12 1977    Freitzke’s Turn



1968         The Chasch

1969         The Wannek

1969         The Dirdir

1970         The Pnume